on April 17, 2013 by Lindsay Marshall in tech, Comments (0)

More citation formats

Greycite will now return citations in RIS format (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIS_(file_format)), though with the caveat that the Type record value is always set to be ELEC – it is difficult in general to infer any other type information from a resource.

I have also added support for the Wikipedia citation format(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citation_template). This has the benefit that you can include information about archives in the data, however you appear only to be able to include a single archive should there more than one. The format insists that you include a date for the archive which makes referring to webcitation.org archives (http://webcitation.org/) difficult as there is no easy way that I have found to get at the archive date so webcitation.org links are currently not reported. Work in progress….


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